I am Giovanna Follo and I want to help you improve your odds at survival. As a third degree black belt in karate with over 20 years of martial arts experience, I have focused on bringing to you: Commando Krav Maga (CKM). CKM does not focus on beating your attacker. It focuses on your survival. I am in my 50s, a woman and 5'2". With these techniques, I have no problem defending myself. This is why I know you can do this. Particular to CKM is the woman's program SMARTSAFE. This is a unique program that makes sure all women can do all of the techniques and takes you through situations that are particular to women. SMARTSAFE is a woman safe environment. It is only for women and will always be taught in a closed all female class.
I am tired of hearing stories about violence. I want to give you the tools to improve your odds at survival. Come and try it out.
Train. Have fun. Learn. Make the journey yours.